There are men, women and children who have medical issues which can be helped by certain grades of medical marijuana. Because people are often unable to obtain this product in their home states, such as Florida, legislation is being proposed in state congresses all over the country to allow medical grades of marijuana to be sold to critically ill patients.
Here in Florida a new bill has been submitted to introduce a medical strand of low THC marijuana for those who need to take it. We aren’t talking about the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, for those smoke for the thrill or the “high”, but for those who actually have medical issues will be able to come by legal, medical marijuana.
A bill was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives recently. This three-page bill would amend the Controlled Substances Act — the federal law that criminalizes marijuana — to exempt plants with an extremely low percentage of THC, the chemical that makes users high. Sanjay Gupta, a nationally know health expert, has in the past, disapprove the use of medical marijuana. He has since changed his mind, ut only after having witnessed what the low HC oils and potions have done for people. “No one should face a choice of having their child suffer or moving to Colorado and splitting up their family,” said Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pennsylvania, the bill’s sponsor. “We live in America, and if there’s something that would make my child better, and they can’t get it because of the government, that’s not right.” The bill will land in a Congress that may be open to change. Across the country, highly sympathetic patients and a non-intoxicating product have proved a popular mix. This year alone, 11 states have passed legislation loosening regulation of cannabis strains with high cannabidiol and/or minimal THC content.”
Now, I should state that I don’t advocate the use of marijuana, but as a criminal defense attorney I know first hand that the “war against marijuana” is one that has become an expensive battle. And it doesn’t appear it can be won. On the other hand, the legalization of marijuana brings in millions of dollars in revenue and it is spawning more research on the health benefits of certain strains. It is something I think should be seriously considered!!